How To Wear Colour Well With Lisa O'Shaughnessy

Courtesy @leonniehanne

Courtesy @leonniehanne

Boost your mood with colour

Written during the first lockdown.

During this difficult challenging time, most of us are spending all our time at home, unable to go out and enjoy the things we usually do. So we look to the smaller things in life to create feelings of positivity. Wearing an uplifting colour (dopamine dressing) is an easy habit to currently adopt, the right colour can instantly make you feel more cheerful and put a spring in your step - for your one hour walk.

Colour can affect your mood, skin tone, appearance, changing the way people perceive you. It can make you look more youthful, healthier, slimmer and more vibrant. However if you are used to head to toe neutrals or tones of black, you may be wary of appearing as ‘Coco the Clown’ in your next Zoom chat.

Find out which colours suit you

A simple DIY colour analysis hack to try at home to determine which colours suit you, is to hold a piece of A4 white paper against your face. You are most likely to suit cool colours if your skin looks pink, rosy with blue undertones.  If your skin tone appears to have a brown or yellow hue with green undertones, you’re more likely to suit warmer colours. 

A stylist such as myself would then advise which seasonal colour groups you would fit into and how to combine these colours in your wardrobe. Cool complexions fall into the Winter or Summer groups and warmer skin tones fall into the Autumn or Spring group. Though as I point out on a regular basis most people can wear colours from 2 or 3 of these groups, but your best colours - useful if presenting or networking - tend to be found in one group.

Winter Colour Palette

The winter colour group suits cool, clear, bold colours with a blue undertone and tend to have a high level of contrast between skin, hair and eyes - think Snow White. This the only colour group that really suits black. If you are feeling brave red immediately grabs attention. Contrast hot pink with red for a truly striking effect. Cobalt blue inspires positive feelings of trust, loyalty, intelligence, and love.

Courtesy Pinterest

Courtesy Pinterest

Summer Colour Palette

Those who fall into the summer palette often have a typically fair haired traditional english rose complexion suiting pastel colours with a blue undertone. Boost your mood with sunshine, soft yellow evokes feelings of feelings of happiness, positivity, optimism, and summer. Pale pink is often associated with calm, nurturing and unconditional love, useful if the kids are having a tough day. Pale green and pink make a pretty feminine combination.

Courtesy Pinterest

Courtesy Pinterest

Autumn Colour Palette

Autumn colour types suit warm, rich colours with a yellow undertone, think of a trees leaves in autumn. People in this group tend to have dark eyes and hair and a warm complexion. If you are suffering creative block or need some ‘oomph’ a warm orange conveys creativity. If you are feeling in the mood for gardening pop on some growth inducing khaki with your orange.

Courtesy pinterest

Courtesy pinterest

Spring Colour Palette

A typical spring complexion is warm and fresh with a low level of contrast between your hair, eyes and skin. Spring types suit warm, bold colours with a yellow undertone. Off white, cream and ivory tend to suit better than a stark white. Green renews and replenishes every and looks great paired back with a warm sunshine yellow.

Courtesy Pinterest

Courtesy Pinterest

Virtual Personal Styling

For readers who are unsure what colours best suits them or how to combine colour, contact me to find out how I can style and create the perfect look for you. Phone 07966244651 or email

Thank you for reading!

